Flat Abs

1.Gather a mat or soft cushion.
2.Lay flat,with knees slightly bended.
3.Have hands on back of your head for support,and bend your torso foward,while supporting the back of your head.
Note:this exercise is recommended at least 3 times a week.

Lifted buttocks

1.Stand against a wall.
2.Place both of your hands  to the wall
3.Lift one leg backwards in a slow swinging motion.Repeat 30 times on each leg.
Note:this exercise is recommended at least 3 times a week.

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How to make a green tea yogen fruz.
  Fruits and yogurt can be a healthy way fill your belly and have fasinating weight stability. At the same time fruits are essential for a healthy skin and vitamins;A,B1.B2,B12,thiamin,niacin and many more.These types of shakes provide your body with good vision and strenghth. Fruits clean immune system and strethghen your cells.
 1 Cups of  plain yogurt
 1/2 cups of water (cold)
 1  pack of green tea
 1/3 cup of sugar
  3  types of fruits (frozen)
      chopped nuts(optional)
      a blender
 Easy Steps
 1.  Make 1/2 cup of green tea with 1/3 cup of sugar place in refrigerator for 3 hours (extra cold).
 2.Gather at least three of your favorite fruits,(kiwi,peaches,banana,pineapple,cranberry,grapefruit,etc.)
*make sure to keep in the freezer for three hours.
 3.Grab the blender, add a cup of plain yogurt,mix with 1/2 cup of green tea(cold).Blend
 4.Once both ingredients are blended, put a handful of chopped nuts at the bottom of the cup and put the yogurt mixture on top.

*Before or after exercise be shore to drink enough water, also know what types of make up to apply.
Light makeup(avoid eyeliners**)
Best to use all natural mineral makeup
Hide your belly....
  Bands are a great way to keep a toned belly, use at night before bed and apply a belly diminishing cream.
 Reg. Shavers- four blade shavers are best when it comes to shaving armpits and legs.
 Creams- best for removing hair in your bikini area,and public hair(.. make sure to use precisely).Brands..Nair.
 Wax- good way to get rid of facial hair (.lips,chin,etc.
Light Perfumes*
Light perfumes are great  for daily use,after shower and even when your out to the gym.

Keeping skin clean is essential when it comes to sun,make-up or exercise, so keeping skin clean and healthy is part of our image.