
Sun Protection

Today, taking care of your own skin is top priority,especially when it comes to weather related reasons.And we want to do our best to prevent skin disorders from taking too much sun; remember that we don't want to take up more than 20 minutes under the sun withought using a sunscreen SPF 30 or more approved. Always apply and reapply every 2 hours.

Skin Types

It is essential that you know your skin type. There's 3 types;oily,dry and normal.

Oily skin usually has a glow that goes far beyond normal at times, while dry skin is irritant and thirsty and best of all normal skin is moderate(which is how we want to be).

Oily Skin

Particularly oily skin needs a thirst of lemon to keep it tight, it is most recommended to apply lemon,citrus or othertypes of lotion that are indicative for oily skin.

Dry Skin
A.K.A thirsty skin. Dry skin needs lots of hydration and at least 8 glasses of water daily to supplement enough hydration.

Normal Skin

Normally this skin type just needs relaxation and rest. A good sense of lotion that yo apply daily is fine.

**Also when showering we want to make sure we use the right soaps, bar or liquid make sure they indicate for which skin types can be adequate.

Skin Care

70% of our body constitutes of water. Meaning ,most of our body has and needs water. It is recommended to drink 8 glasses of water every day ex. drink water in the morning instead of coffee, to keep skin hydrated. Also healthy skin need’s protection. Most of the time that we are outdoors it is recommended that we maintain our skin protected from the sun as it can cause sun damage , to protect it is essential that we apply enough sunscreen lotion with an SPF 30 or higher, every two hours or so. Healthy skin means healthy glow to keep skin glowing lutious there are many types of products on the market to choose from. Tan glow soap bars are a great way to keep a natural glow.

Hair is the beauty in us, taking care of it we can achieve fasinating looks. From the many styles available; bouncy looks to wet look. With the right care and time are just the tools you will need.

   Depending on hair type, shampoo's offer a great variety from oily hair,normal or dry hair type. Make sure that you always select the right type of hair shampoo as this will greatly give the right maintence and care for your hair.
   Yes, ladies we do love conditioner, due to its very slick feeling it gives to our hair, but we want to make sure that precisely of the amount of conditioner we apply to our hair, as this is very important***. Too much of it can cause hair to go dull and give little volume (you want to make sure it's a quater size.
Treatments, Mask's, Etc.:
    Usually, there is additional treatments for hair that needs additional care. Dry or chemical treated hair needs extra stuff** to keep hydrated all of it's natural oils that it might of have lost through chemical processing and bleaching.Its best to apply products that don't contain too much oil or grease. Make sure to select precisely the natural things(olive oil, etc.)